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Who are we? 

We're Shenzhen Norman Auto Electronic Co. ltd.   Golden supplier of all types of automotive locksmith tools.     We carry big range of genuine tools, like MK3 Tango Orange 5 TMPro,  AVDI abritus,  Lock decoders, OBDline, Xhorse VVDI, KeyDIY, Launch, Autel.    We also supply all types of consumptive material of locksmiths,  such as OEM & aftermarket transponder keys, chips, key shells, motors. emulators.  ect....

Why are we different?

Firstly, we offer all brands of original key programming devices& software.  Part of the brands whichwe distribute are as follows:

MK3 from PAM Devices

Tango Orange 5 hardware and software from scorpio-lk,

AVDI hardware and software from Abritues ,


VVDI2, VVDI Prog, VVDI MB BGA, VVDI Key Tool and all relatedVVDI tools from Xhorse

KeyMaster, X300, X300 DP, F101, F102, F104, F107, F108 fromOBDStar 

K518ISE from Lonsdor,

X100 Pad2, PS80, PS90 from XToolTech

All Geniune Turbo Decoders & Lishi Tools

HandyBaby and more


- Secondly, we offer all locksmith-needed consumptivematerials, such as transponder chips, flip keys, remote keys, key shells.  You can get all what you need in our store.

- We only offer high quality products at very reasonableprices.

- We’re always honesty in dealing to build up a long-termrelationship with you.

- We offer good after-sales services.

- Following-up with our customers to solve all the problems which they may face.

Sign Up
TEL:+86 17329975062   EMAIL:carkeyunlock@gmail.com


The best provider for all Abrites, IEA, Kurt, Tmpro2, Lonsdor, Keydiy, Superobd, Xtool, Scorpio-lk, Orange5, Tango, Wellon, Renata batteries, Cn900mini, Jmd, Carlabimmo, Julie, Obdstar And Xhorse. Such as Orange5, Tango, Zedfull, Kd900, Kd900 mobile, Kd-x2, Kd900mini, CWP-2, ICC Code Wizard, Skp900, SKP1000, Handy Baby, Abrites, Avdi, T300, X300 DP, X300 Pro3, Key Master,Key Mastes, DP TMPro2, X100 PAD2, SKP900 And vvdi bga mb vvdi 2 vvdi prog vvdi key tool And many programming accessories.
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